Earth Hour 2018
Earth Hour was on March 24 at 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm (in your local time zone).
There are many ways to participate than just turning off lights. I originally wrote a lot on this post but it felt too much so I decided to keep it short and let y'all choose to know more by checking out the links I left below.
Earth Hour is only for an hour but if you’re really passionate about making an impact then maybe you can start doing things like this on a regular base.
These websites don't only have more info but also more options to choose from to participate. Whether it's during Earth Hour or any time of the year. You can also communicate with others who share the same concerns and passions about biodiversity as you do.
Links: +
Hashtags: #Earthhour #Connect2Earth
I've been sick lately and during Earth Hour so I was pretty much just at home alone and turned off all the lights and started lighting candles. I sat by the candles wearing comfy clothing and a blanket while thinking about our amazing earth
How do you #Connect2Earth ?